Tuesday, October 5, 2010

75 Hawthorne goes LEED Gold - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

The developer and owner has received LEED gold certificationb for 75 Hawthorne atHawthorne Plaza, the secondr highest designation under the ’s LEED for existin g buildings rating system. It is the first multi-tenant existing building in San Franciscio to win LEEDgold certification. The designation couled help Hines retain itsanchor tenant, the westerjn headquarters. The EPA occupies 265,000 square feet, roughlyh 76 percent of the building, which is 84 percen t leased. The EPA is in the process of lookinv for anew 300,00 0 square foot home to lease and is being courted by 370 Third St., 1355 Market St., as well as 350 Bush St., a build-to-suit option in the financia l district.
The building owners in the running for the leasse are all emphasizing what will certainly be a key factodr inthe decision: green building. Offerzs were due on Jan. 30 of this year and occupanchy would be required by Februaryof 2011. The EPA solicitation statex that the building isto “reflect environmental best The space -- whether new constructionj or an existing building -- must achiev e a minimum of silver under the requirements of the Leadershipp in Energy and Environmental Design. “Witu limited new development, the ‘greening’ of existing buildinb stock represents anenormous opportunity,” said Hineds Senior Vice President Paul Paradis.
Hines, in partnershiop with REEFF, acquired the property in 2007for $400 a square foot and immediately introduced a numbedr of programs that continue to reduce energh consumption and promote a healthiee tenant work environment, including more efficien lighting, reducing water demand with low-flo fixtures, and starting a recycling and composting programn that will divert approximately 215 tons from the landfill in 2009. As a the building annually saves $2.
37 per square foot and achievez greenhouse gas reductions equivalent to removing 360 passenger vehicles fromthe

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